Sam and Liz

Sam and Liz
Sam: 2013 Suzuki V-Strom DL650 ADV Liz: 2013 Kawasaki KLR 650

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Days 1 & 2

Frosty, Sam III, Liz, Sam IV, Izzy

Parting pic. Bikes are packed and ready to ride.
Sammy is in charge of the kingdom.  

First days ride was a great ride to the Cleveland area to stay the night with a childhood friend of Liz's. Bikes ran great. Sun shining and temps not too warm. Seemed to get cooler as we left NYS.

Well balanced lunch
Always a stop. Cinnabon. Last rest stop in NY on I90 West.

The kids look lonely 

Liz's tire on her KLR lost several lugs. Replacement tire ordered and waiting for her in St. Louis thanks to my sister Ann for picking it up at the local BMW shop. Yea, BMW for a KLR tire! It's not very safe to ride on the tire as is.  We'll take it slow on back roads requiring an extra days ride getting there.

Staying a Super 8 in Indianapolis. Stripped as much off the bikes as possible. Some shady characters hanging around as we pulled in. Seemed very interested in our trusty steeds.

Only a lame 650 miles for two days of riding.  We'll need to pick op the pace following our stop in St. Louis. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A Lot To Live Up To!

These are some of the best nurses who ever had the pleasure of taking care of ME! (LOL)

They are great. So caring and helpful, Always!  You'd think they'd have a bad day at some point. I'm in their clinic every other week for years now and I've never experienced any impatience or nastiness of any kind!

Professional? Of course!  Things don't always run smooth. Coming sick, reactions to the blood.  What ever occurs, it's taken care of. Hell, I'm still here!

Yup, they set the bar pretty high for the rest of the world's caregivers.  However, they are also the reason I am so uncomfortable about being treated ANYWHERE else.  But, they've assured me it will be fine, that many people travel and still get all kinds of treatments while on the road and vacationing.

I am going to miss everyone here.

Last Fill Up Before The Trip

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lets Stop For Two Units - In St Louis

My second vamp stop will be in St Louis at the Siteman Cancer Center on July 1.  my niece works for the University and did some poking around. She cam up with Dr Kristen Sanfilippo who graciously accepted me as a "transient" patient.

I'm still nervous about these stops but talking with talking to the nurses at the facilities and hearing they have been in communication with my home-base, it's soothing my emotions.  I keep telling myself, people are blood transfused all over the world, it's not major surgery!

So, as I stated for my Phoenix fill-up,  if you'r in the St Louis area on Friday 7/1, stop in and say hi.  I'd love the company. Especially if you are a fellow Red user (Thal Patient).