Sam and Liz

Sam and Liz
Sam: 2013 Suzuki V-Strom DL650 ADV Liz: 2013 Kawasaki KLR 650

Sunday, June 26, 2016

California Redwoods and the West Coast

 More giants!  I've always wanted to see these things.  Pictures just don't do justice to the size of these trees.  You just expect to see a dinosaur walking out of the forest (they've only been around since the last ice age).

This is a living
Redwood tree.

Along the Oregon and Washington coast is was common to see tsunami warring signs.  Many along the road reminded you, "you are not safe" and to seek higher ground.  Good info but kinda made me nervous!
 In general it seems most drivers in Oregon and Washington are very courteous, especially to motorcycles. However, we encountered a humorous situation in this area which someone should have planned for in the land of extreme politically correct. 

Most coastal roads are two lane roads occasionally widening to four lane highways for several miles at a time.  Sometimes only one side widens for about a half mile or less.  This gives slower traffic an area to drive while faster traffic can safely pass. These areas are posted with a sign "slower vehicles keep right".  While riding behind a group of cars doing about five to ten miles under the posted speed, we passed through several areas with slower lanes as posted so.  I noticed and commented to Liz via our headsets, "I don't think anyone wants to be labeled the slower vehicle"!  Liz came up with a more PC alternative, "speed challenged". 

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