Sam and Liz

Sam and Liz
Sam: 2013 Suzuki V-Strom DL650 ADV Liz: 2013 Kawasaki KLR 650

Friday, September 22, 2017

Thank the Donors

As I encroach on 52 years of life I have been thinking of what I’ve done with my years. Everyone reflects back on their years on earth. However, ours with thal is different. Along with normal daily obstacles we have the added thal related issues.

Through my younger years I hadn’t given blood donors much thought. I’d just show up, get my blood and go. It was more like a medicine than something from a real person. But with maturity came a little wisdom and recognition to the many which took time out of their life for me. So that I could have a life. 

I’ve worked. I’ve played. I raised a family. I probably haven’t always done the right thing but as I’ve matured I think I’ve grown as a human being . I do take the time to think about my actions and try to be a good person. I think a good way to show my appreciation for what has been given to me is to just try to do my part. Live in this world without being too much of a jerk! So, that is what I’ve done. I just tried to be a decent person. 

In my lifetime I’ve (on the conservative side) have had 650 blood transfusions receiving 1250 units of blood. I have no way of really knowing how many individual kind and thoughtful donors actually contributed their time and blood to me. I’ve been thinking, is there any way I could ever thank them for their contribution to my life. All the donors (probably 1250ish) is why I am still alive today. And as I reflect back on MY life, I hope I’ve earned all they have done for me!

Let’s reflect. When diagnosed in 1966 at about eight months old, my parents were advised I would not live to see my teens. As I approached my teens new meds became available. Prognosis was better but still most thal patients where not living much into their twenties. Then of course better treatment plans came out and, well you see how it works. The key is to survive long enough to enjoy the fruits of science, research, and all which had been gained from those who walked before.

Survive! Yes that is it. Some days you feel like that’s all you are doing while others, you feel pretty good. But sometimes we may forget how we are surviving. We are literally surviving on the blood of others. If I can push on to complete my life, I will have personally consumed thousands of units of blood from at least as many donors! That is just mind boggling to me!! Man,, if I could only find some way of thanking them. How could I possibly. Heck, many probably have passed themselves.

There is a quote in the movie Saving Private Ryan which I feel in a small way I can relate to. The last scene in the movie the older Ryan is at Captain Miller’s grave and says “Every day I think about what you said to me that day on the bridge. And I've tried to live my life the best I could. I hope that was enough. I hope that at least in your eyes, I've earned what all of you have done for me”.

I hope I have earned what all the blood donors have done for ME!

I’m hoping some donors will read this and know how much they mean to me, my family, and the many others who have received their blood. This is my personal THANK YOU!